Digital painting contest! Create a nature landscape scene in GIMP!

Submission period:
21 Jul 2012 11:30 UTC –
21 Sep 2012 20:30 UTC
Voting period:
22 Sep 2012 00:01 UTC –
30 Sep 2012 19:30 UTC
Status: finished (9 submissions)
There are no prizes this time ;) This is a just for fun contest.
If you’d like to sponsor some prizes for upcoming contest, please contact us via!
Okay, I admit, I’m not a painter at all – and the picture above was my first try to paint something from scratch. BUT this does not mean that we cannot make a contest on that topic ;)
To participate in our current contest paint any nature landscape that comes to your mind and submit it to the contest submissions system. The painting must be done from scratch. But it is your decision if you make a pencil drawing first and colorize it afterwards or if you directly start the painting in GIMP. You can use all kind of custom brushes of course!
Specific rules
- Please paint any nature scene you like. Don’t paint cities, space or other technological stuff.
- It is allowed to have non-monumental stuff like bridges, little houses, cottages or similar stuff in it.
- Please do not use photos as a base to smudge paint or something like that.
- You’re encouraged to use brush packs (find many of them at!
General rules
- All uploaded images are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.
- You need a free account to participate. You can use it to manage your submissions.
- All images have to be created with GIMP.
- Submissions are only accepted if uploaded using the Submissions page. Every image is required to be in JPEG or PNG format, and the GIMP workspace has to be uploaded, too.
- Please save and upload your GIMP workspace as .xcfbz2 file (instead of .xcf). The steps of the creation process should be as traceable as possible so that others can benefit.
- Make sure that all legal requirements are fulfilled, especially the copyright of used images. You can reference your sources in every submission's description.
- You can upload up to three submissions and modify/delete it until the end of the submission period.
- Submissions remain public when you should delete your account, but they won't be associated to an author anymore.
- Possible prizes are provided by the named sponsors. There is no legal claim to the prizes.
Post your own comments, questions or hints here. The author and other users will see your posting and can reply to it.
Of course, you can also ask in the chat.
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This topic (Digital painting contest! Create a nature landscape scene in GIMP!) has been rated 4.7/5.0.
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