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Help GIMP getting awesome scaling methods with new samplers!

By at 2012-12-10 20:08:01 UTC, last updated about 12 years ago. CC BY-NC License

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Compared to Photoshop you maybe noticed that down/or upscaling images results in poorer quality in GIMP than in Adobes graphics flagship. With your help this could change … very soon!

Crowd funding is a concept of raising money from lots of different sources (many people donate to a special project). There was a discussion already if the whole GIMP development should be speed up using this kind of development. It was rejected for the main development. But the concept itself is awesome – the money is raised to support one or more developers which spend the time working on the project. Without they wouldn’t be able to fully work on that and it would take ages to have something completed.

On Nicolas Robidoux (he is working on GEGL for many years and is also involved in ImageMagick and VIPS) started a project that will heavily improve scaling methods in GIMP (via new and improved GEGL samplers). The whole project needs a lot of time! So he divided the project into 8 steps (one followed one by another) that are worth 5500 USD in total (~20+ weeks of development for all steps). That means if you donate, GIMP will definitely benefit from it, whether if only 2 or all 8 steps are funded through your help.

If you ever wanted to have high quality state of the art scaling in GIMP (which is definitely needed!) donate to this project! It directly flows into GEGL (GIMPs new graphics engine) and will be available in the next version of GIMP.

Alexandre has published a long article with more information on the details.

Head over to this issue and support it.

Update [Jan. 1st, 2013]: Nicolas completed step 1, 2 and 3. He implemented 2 new great sampler that are already found in GIMP 2.9 (development version).


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about 3 years ago order zithromax

devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
about 12 years ago

Nicolas already completed step 1+2 now and was already paid for these steps. Currently he's stuck with bugfixing GIMP systems that prevent further development of the samplers. But when done step 3 is following, because enaough money was sponsored for this already!

Step 1+2 resulted in faster computation of the sampling and a higher quality of the output due to more mipmap levels.

JimmyVolatile member for over 12 years JimmyVolatile 7 comments
about 12 years ago

And of course I managed to botch ! (Which is the correct site name.) Argh...

JimmyVolatile member for over 12 years JimmyVolatile 7 comments rated this topic with 5/5
about 12 years ago

Already supported :) But there are many other worthy causes on too. And you can also suggest your own.

I'm going to propose one of my long standing gripes with MATE (Gnome).

Redi member for about 12 years Redi 1 comment rated this topic with 5/5
about 12 years ago

You bet I will!