Tutorial: Orb-Icons for Websites
Download GIMP workspace (.xcfbz2) (39.9 KB)
Create a new file: 250×250px. Fill the background with #828282.
Take the Elliptical Selection-Tool and create an exact circle. After that create a new empty layer, take the Gradient-Tool (L). As a FG-color choose #571f00, for the BG-color choose #ff5a00.
Now draw a gradient from top to the bottom of that layer.
The selection should still be active.
Again create a new layer. Fill it black. To do this very fast first press D then press CTRL+,
Now follow these steps:
- Select / Shrink: 1px
- Select / Feather: 100pxAfter that press DEL two times to delete the selected part.
Activate the layer that contains the gradient.
Go to Filter / Licht & Shadow: Drop Shadow. X/Y: 0/0, Tranparency: 60%.
Activate the layer that contains the gradient. From the context-menu of the layers-dialog choose “Alpha to selection”.
Add a new layer. Choose white as FG-color. Take the “Gradient-Tool”. In the preferences-box of this tool choose the fourth option in the drop-down-menu for the gradients: “FG to Trasparent”. Apply this gradient from top to bottom.
- Select / None
- Activate the Scale-Tool
- Click the layer, when the popup-menu appears enter 175 as width and 150px for the new height. Click OK. -
Take the Move-Tool now and move the white shine (the gradient ;)) to the top in the upper center of the sphere.
Go to Filter / Blur / Gaussian Blur: Value: 5.
We’re almost done. Now you can add for example a single character or any small symbol you want.
I took the Text-Tool and simply wrote a question-mark “?” in white color into the middle of the orb. Then i chose “Grain extract” from the layers-mode drop-down.
Thats it! Have fun with your new orbs ;)
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