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GIMP Magazine #2 comes with digital painting special!

By at 2012-12-10 18:55:31 UTC, last updated about 12 years ago. CC BY-NC License

GIMP magazine #2 is out Cover of the GIMP magazine #2

The second issue of the GIMP Magazine is available!

The creators of the magazine had an easier job filling the pages this time as it seems, because there were lots of great community contributions. There are 100(!) pages filled with mixed stuff all about GIMP – and there is a special on digital painting as well. Don’t miss the huge number of painted artworks – they’re awesome!

Here’s what you get in short:

  • dozens of quality artworks
  • the GIMP master class sections shows you how to create the Wilber painting shown also on the cover of the current issue
  • learn how to colorize comics
  • create a welted brochure in GIMP&Scribus
  • a tutorial about oil painting incl. tipps on how to created a glossy drop
  • the section named “Design Gallery” covers some different cool stuff made with GIMP
  • learn how to use a graphics tablet
  • a contest!

The magazine has evolved since the initial issue. It is better in general – more contents, better style. The how-tos/tutorials could get a slightly nicer outfit in my personal opinion, but thats just a small point for future improvements. The overall quality is pretty high!

Btw: if you want to hold the magazine in your own hands – this is now possible (see below). Also you can make a small donation to support the magazine (Button to the right on or you could buy something in their gift shop. The whole process of creating a magazine with that number of pages is really time intense.

The GIMP Magazine is available online on Issuu, you can download a pdf file as well or you can get the printed version (5$ go to the team, rest is printing costs only, which are sadly pretty high when print on demand).

Enjoy the reading!


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devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments rated this topic with 5/5
about 12 years ago

I like it too! Pretty cool that the magazine was also shown in the EP daily show, which I didn't know before but is a nice tv-like magazine! see here:

about 12 years ago

great magazine
nice contents!

Thank you!!!!!!