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Hardware acceleration for GIMP already 2012

By at 2011-11-28 23:29:37 UTC, last updated about 13 years ago. CC BY-NC License

Victor Oliveira, who successfully completed the Google Summer of Code project about parallelization via OpenCL support for GEGL, will continue development due to a partnership with AMD.

According to, the plan is to have OpenCL-accelerated projection and compositing operations, some basic filters and a new API for OpenCL-based filters. All new code will be open-source.

Most of the work is intended to be done by March 2012, so we can hope that GIMP will gain a huge performance boost by supporting multi-core CPUs and GPU acceleration really soon.


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almost 13 years ago

How to test the Opencl peformance with GEGL brightness and contrast feature .

devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
about 13 years ago

unfortunately no, feature and string freeze is active for 2.7 since some months. currently only some very basic operations in GEGL are available with parallel processing through OpenCL (Brightness & Contrast). this feature will be included in 2.10 which should follow pretty fast after 2.8

billn member for over 14 years billn 15 comments
about 13 years ago

Will OpenCL will included?

devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
about 13 years ago

2.7.5 will be out soon which will be the last development release before 2.8. michael natterer is working on the last bugs currently (but some of them are time intense). after 2.7.5 only release notes are blocking the final 2.8 release. ~1-2 months left imo.

billn member for over 14 years billn 15 comments
about 13 years ago

Any word on 2.8 release date?

devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
about 13 years ago

generelly all platforms. but the system must have openCL available (ie. graphics card acceleration and certain cpu)

about 13 years ago

Will this be across all platforms, or just Linux?

billn member for over 14 years billn 15 comments
about 13 years ago

Hyndragea, Where is the info at? thanks

about 13 years ago


billn member for over 14 years billn 15 comments
about 13 years ago

Does anyone know how to install 2.7.4 ubuntu 11.04 easy. In a few steps? I am not verse in source.

about 13 years ago

oops... the previous comment is in the wrong thread...
forum op / please remove these two... mistake


about 13 years ago

I asked on the old gimp google forum... not
the answer I was looking for.

Is it possible to get functions from other
gegl-s to use with whatever is in the current one ?

The functions seem to change between versions. I especially liked the three tonemapping operators in one version, which are gone with the gimp-2.7.2 I have
now... how could I get these back ?


about 13 years ago

I just recently had a successful compile for Gimp-2.7.4 on Windows 32 bit.
As soon as Gimp-2.8 is released as source, and if it isn't compiled to binary for Windows platforms at release, i will begin to compile it for Windows 32 bit.I am not sure if Gimp-2.8 will be ported to 64 bit Windows or not.You may want to check out for an answer to that.As far as i know dependencies will not change for 2.8 so compiled versions should be released pretty fast basically.
Mac i am not sure about.I know of no one at the moment compiling for Gimp-2.7.4. , and the GEGL and BABL devs are always changing, but you never do know.


about 13 years ago

Is Gimp 2.7 and 2.8 going to be released for a mac as well as the pc

devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
about 13 years ago

@unhammer: yes almost every filter GIMP owns has to be adjusted or be rewritten to be built upon a GEGL basis to use the better performance.
@billn: GIMP 2.8 - in January 2012 maybe, thats the current plan.

billn member for over 14 years billn 15 comments
about 13 years ago

When will GIMP 2,8 be out?

unhammer member for over 15 years unhammer 25 comments
about 13 years ago

ah, yeah I see that now. So individual, built-in operations like "gaussian blur" would have to be rewritten to allow threading.

devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
about 13 years ago

@unhammer: yes, I knew that, but what I meant was that a single filter - if applied to an image - would use several processors to speed things up. Afaik this is not the case atm for GIMP – one filer is not handeled by more than one cpu core. The multiple processors only make sense when using some different filters at once or maybe when batch processing or something like that, which is mostly not the case for me. I'm mostly only working on one image at a time with a workflow where one filter is applied by another and not at the same time. "True" parallelization would also make single filter much more performant.

unhammer member for over 15 years unhammer 25 comments
about 13 years ago

@devvv: GIMP can to a certain extent use several processors/cores, in the settings you can say how many cores you want to allow it to use, and then if you're running a task manager of some sort you can see it spawning subprocesses when you run filters.

about 13 years ago

At this address you will find a picture of the future 2.8 with a simple and unique.

devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
about 13 years ago

AMDs reputation has increased for me again since I read that ;) I really hope for cool improvements on the performance side of GIMP. The lack of (at least) multi-core processing (not even speaking of GPU shaders parallelization) has been clearly visible when working on large scaled images and filters. So this would be a huge step forward, as well as many other things that got already implemented in GIMP 2.7/2.8 which is aimed for January 2012 at the moment.

unhammer member for over 15 years unhammer 25 comments
about 13 years ago

@thejoe: Victor Oliveira was very successful in his GSOC project, and did implement OpenCL support in GEGL. To quote :

"The bottom line: things already work, optimizations are required and more operations need to be ported to OpenCL."

Given that he's (1) made something that works already and (2) is now getting funded to continue that work, I'd say this is much more than a "promise".

unhammer member for over 15 years unhammer 25 comments rated this topic with 5/5
about 13 years ago

@billn: single window mode is there already! just download the newest beta, it works fine :-) (I'm assuming single _window_, not screen, mode was what you meant …)

about 13 years ago

Is this another promise or we can wish?

billn member for over 14 years billn 15 comments rated this topic with 5/5
about 13 years ago

I would love to see single screen mode completed before i