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Single window mode complete. 2.7.3 to be released

By at 2011-08-13 15:05:48 UTC, last updated over 13 years ago. CC BY-NC License

According to Martin Nordholts the single-window mode for future GIMP versions is almost complete except for some small bugs that have be fixed yet (= feature-complete). For instance, GIMP now saves when it is in single-window mode and starts the next time in the correct mode.

This feature is one of the most important changes for GIMP 2.8 which is currently scheduled for late 2011 or early 2012.

Also, there will be a new development version (GIMP 2.7.3) in the next days that will include the latest code updates.


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Davidhenry member for over 13 years Davidhenry 1 comment
over 13 years ago

will this help Gimp from freezing ?

josephbupe member for almost 14 years josephbupe 20 comments
over 13 years ago

He actually had other releases before 2.7.3.

Correct me if am wrong.

redforce member for over 18 years redforce 230 comments
over 13 years ago

@josephbupe: I really appreciate what Partha does and I like the builds, but the version numbers are still incorrect and misleading. The "GIMP 2.7.3" file that you can download on partha for months is not "GIMP 2.7.3" but a snapshot between GIMP 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 so it should be named accordingly.

Just compare the date when Enselic says "... GIMP 2.7.3 release which should happen any day now" and since which date you can find GIMP 2.7.3 on

josephbupe member for almost 14 years josephbupe 20 comments
over 13 years ago

Hi redforce,

Ins't it true also that odd numbered versions are unstable while even numbers are stable releases? What partha is doing is to give us a privilege to test unstable versions on road to 2.8.

Enceli says:

"If you're curious about what single-window mode will be like in GIMP 2.8, I suggest you keep your eyes on and look for the GIMP 2.7.3 release which should happen any day now. I also encourage you to file good bug reports if you find any bugs.

posted by Martin Nordholts @ 1:50 PM"

over 13 years ago

There is a problem with Single Window Mode: GIMP remembers both the size and left/top position of the window in its initialization file but on reopen honors only the size; with a window as large as possible on my 1680x1050 screen the top is coordinate is roughly 20/30 pixels, not 0.

The maximized status is completely ignored but I have already accepted that this trivial feature will never be implemented.

Klaus Gbk
over 13 years ago

the version looks great to me :-)
But I am surprized, that the Twain Scanner is not seen. . Are there any plans, or can I configure it somewhere?

over 13 years ago

I realize this isn't the right thread for this, but didn't find a relevant one in the first four pages of the forums. :-P

I'm looking to paint a dress consisting of multiple layers of sheer fabric, the results being that some parts would be more opaque than others. Does anyone know of a cloth pattern that effectively simulates sheer fabric?

I'm familiar with the use of layers, pattern fills, and changing the opacity of any given layer in order to see what's under neath to whatever extent. My problem is that different fabrics have different textures, and I'm not sure what texture to use.

Any advice or such is appreciated. You can e-mail me at, or, I suppose, reply to this. Thanks.

redforce member for over 18 years redforce 230 comments
over 13 years ago

Rod: The version number is bumped before the version is released. The shown number does NOT mean that there is GIMP 2.7.3. Please have a look at
where Michael Natterer signed the release of 2.7.2
and then
which just doesn't exist.

It's like when you're going to develop a new program, begin with an About dialog that shows v1.0 and then say "Oh look I don't need to make it, version 1.0 is already here."

over 13 years ago

redforce perhaps it s you who was misinformed?
This version of Parthas is indeed the newest GIT version of Gimp-2.7.3. :)
(As of August)
Image example

Ed Varona
over 13 years ago

Thank you. Will be looking forward to the final release.

Coche member for over 15 years Coche 13 comments rated this topic with 5/5
over 13 years ago

Wow :D that is good news! thanks. I just hope the official Windows binaries that you can get from, offer this release. We're stuck in GIMP 2.6.11, which is very good nevertheless :)

redforce member for over 18 years redforce 230 comments rated this topic with 5/5
over 13 years ago

Rod: There is no 2.7.3 yet. Partha is apparently misunderstanding the versioning system and offers a build between 2.7.2 and 2.7.3 but calls it 2.7.3

over 13 years ago

I have been using Parthas version of 2.7.3 Windows 32 bit for about a month now and it has the single window mode working correctly.The single window mode now saves at program exit and remembers it's mode when re-launching.He has also added the ability to use themes, and has compiled a few useful plug-ins for both 32 and 64 bit versions.

Also JamesH has compiled a working version for Windows.
You can find more info at

over 13 years ago

Fantastic, tho I'm a longtime user of GIMP and have been happy using the earlier versions.

I do congratulate the developers, you guys have done an incredibly good job with GIMP. It's top of the line and more than comparable to PS. Your contributions to the open source community are awesome.

over 13 years ago

That's awesome. I can hardly wait to test this new single window mode ;-)