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Vote for your favourite Smudge Painting!

By at 2011-06-27 12:04:21 UTC, last updated over 13 years ago. CC BY-NC License

Our 2nd contest has ended yesterday, now it’s time to vote for smudge painting you like!

The topic of the current contest seemed to be a little hard for many of you, therefore there are only 6 submissions this time. However there are some nice results and we want to thank everyone who participated and submitted a painting. The good thing on few submissions is that the chance to win one of our prizes is even higher ;)

Now it is time for everyone to vote for the smudge paintings you like. You can “like” and “dislike” as many times as you want. In about 10 days the votes are locked and we will have a winner ;)

Enjoy the voting period!


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devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 13 years ago

A so called smudge painting is an image editing technique to make the photo look more like a painting using the smudge tool. The technqiue our participants used is well described in one of our tutorials:

Does this bring some light into your questions?

over 13 years ago

I confess that I wasn't clear on the criteria for making a gimp project a "smudge painting." Looking at the results I can make out small changes from the original photo, such as sharper color or higher contrast, but without the before and after pictures I would have no idea the product was a Gimp project. Which leads to my question; Just what did everyone do to the photos to generate the end product?

I've done a great many projects myself using photos, sometimes modifying existing photos, combining multiple photos to come up with a final product, and even painting from scratch something that looks more or less like an original photo. I'm just not sure which of my pieces would be considered "smudge paintings."

Any new info would be appreciated.

amay82 member for over 14 years amay82 6 comments
over 13 years ago

Indeed very cool submissions! Wish I had the skill to create something like this but I am absolutely not talented :(