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GIMP 2.6.10 fixes an important bug!

By at 2010-07-12 02:11:00 UTC, last updated over 14 years ago. CC BY-NC License

In 2.6.9 there was a bug that caused GIMP to crash when using the scrollbar from a tools preferences (u.e. the text or gradient tool). This and other bugs are fixed with 2.6.10. We recommend an update!

We included the latest version already in our Downloads Center!

Changes from 2.6.9 to 2.6.10

  • Bugs fixed:

613328 – TGA files saved with incorrect header yOrigin data
623290 – Save As… does not save Windows Bitmap as default in dialog
621363 – CMYK decompose broken
595170 – brush – color from gradient works wrong in greyscale
613838 – Error in gimp-hue-saturation PDB call
622608 – GIMP crashes when clicking any scroll bar from combo boxes
565459 – newly opened images are put into the background


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over 14 years ago

I'm using 2.6.10 and I'm trying to use the filters and they crash every time i try to use them

over 14 years ago

Can confirm 2.6.10 crashes on Vista when CRTL-C / CTRL-V is used.

Still, gimp is a great tool. Looking forward to 2.8. But stability is important!

over 14 years ago

I appreciate all the updates and hard work. I use Gimp professionally and almost switched to CS5 for the content aware fill feature. I see that Gimp has an old plug-in for this called Resynthesizer. Getting it to install is a bear. I think the next version of Gimp needs to push this feature.

over 14 years ago

went back to the old not perfect 2.6.8 (windows vista 32) as all recent releases were really buggy for me (ctrl C or trying copy paste something causes gimp to crash) ; 2.7.1 even worse (cannot add text to an image)...

Michael Schumacher
over 14 years ago

The GIMP installer packages provided by Jernej simoncic don't put DLL files into system32, so something else must have placed them there (Jernej's DLL files are signed, could you check that they are really identical?).

If you manage to reproduce the problem and it is indeed something in GIMP that moves files around, please report it to the GNOME Bugzilla.

over 14 years ago

My non-startup issue, with procedure entry failure SteveK described above, was with libglib-2.0-0.dll. I turned it off in the C:\windows\system folder; that fixed the issue.

From checking the creation dates of the .dll file in it's unwanted location, it seems GIMP is the offending cross-pollinator.

Michael Schumacher
over 14 years ago

Messages like "The procedure entry point [proc] could not be located in the dynamic link library [lib]" tell you that a copy of the library [lib] is located somewhere on your system at a location where it doesn't belong.

Popular locations are system directories. The best way to resolve this:

- check if there is a zlib1.dll in the windows directory, in system or system32 (or 64?)

- rename this file to

GIMP should now run.

The next step may require some more time:

- some other program on your system may fail now, most likely this is the one that put the zlib1.dll into the system dir

- put the from the system directory into this program's directory and rename it to zlib1.dll again

- tell the authors of that program about the problem

Problems like these are why GIMP is shipped with all of its dependencies' libs in the bin directory. Unfortunately, this doesn't prevent this case, because system directories always go first when DLL files are to be located by the operating system.

SteveK member for over 15 years SteveK 1 comment
over 14 years ago

I'm a longtime user of GIMP. I downloaded/installed 2.6.10, never got a shortcut. I tried to execute it from "programs" and got this msg: "The procedure entry point gzopen64 could not be located in the dynamic link library zlib1.dll" I thought I may have downloded the 64 vers by mistake, so I went back and re-downloaded/installed. Still got the error.

aclim member for over 15 years aclim 2 comments rated this topic with 4/5
over 14 years ago

Thank all for making GIMP to 100% Perfect!!!