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How to get GIMP 2.10.18 (Windows)


If possible, please use the BitTorrent download: gimp-2.10.18-setup.exe.torrent


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Chul, Kim
over 2 years ago

t's my first time seeing this program.

over 2 years ago

I downloaded the newest version and i hate it! I can not resize the textures it makes the entire back ground also enlarge or shrink. I have tried everything to just resize the next layer and nothing works. I want the old one back!

miner57 member for almost 3 years miner57 1 comment
almost 3 years ago

Hello I'm a newbie on here, but I've been using GIMP off and on for years slowly learning more shortcuts. I use to use coral paint shop pro which was very easy to use and learn. I lost my undo connection to ctrl+z and having a time trying to put it back. I have a nerve condition that causes my hands to jerk sometimes which causes me to hit a key and really mess things up. My first computer was an 8088 then 286, 386, 486, pentium 1, 2, &3. I've been using them and for productivity never really learned code. Maybe downloading the new GIMP will fix my problem.

William Hunt
over 3 years ago

Hi. When I use Da Big Pimpin it just make a black rectangle. Can you help me?

John A Yates
almost 4 years ago

Hi, I hope some can help me with a basic problem. Down loaded Xgimp onto iPad Pro but every time I put my IP address address and user name in, it comes up error. Removed and reloaded Xgimp several time but get the same error message. Jay in Sheffield UK

John A Yates
almost 4 years ago

Hi, I hope some can help me with a basic problem. Down loaded Xgimp onto iPad Pro but every time I put my IP address address and user name in, it comes up error. Removed and reloaded Xgimp several time but get the same error message. Jay in Sheffield UK

pauwxl member for about 4 years pauwxl 1 comment
about 4 years ago

I am new to gimp. I have many drawings and family photos I want to edit. I am convinced gimp is the bomb. I want to learn how to use it. I have the manual. I want to start my learning how to "restore" the program to the "out of the box" condition, clean and put back to "factory settings" so to speak. I certainly want the latest version. Can anyone help me on this site to "fix" or replace my gimp ? I have already messed up mine. I tried to simply uninstall it and when I opened the new one, it was the old one. It took me a while to learn and understand why and how this happened. I can try again using an uninstall program and this may work, but there has to be a siimpler, more sensible way to do what I am trying to do. I can't be the only person here who wants this capability.

jroads member for over 4 years jroads 1 comment
over 4 years ago

@ David Rosenthal - Retinex is still there but it's not under filters.

This filter is found in the image window menu under Colors → Tone Mapping → Retinex

David Rosenthal
over 4 years ago

What happened to the Retinex Filter ? It's gone!

over 4 years ago

Why is getting the user manual so hard?