Create a Smudge Painting from a photo!

Submission period:
11 May 2011 00:01 UTC –
26 Jun 2011 23:55 UTC
Voting period:
27 Jun 2011 00:01 UTC –
07 Jul 2011 18:00 UTC
Status: finished (6 submissions)
We’ve organized some prizes for the contest wohohooo ;)
Many thanks go to Linux New Media who is sponsoring these prizes!
- You can win a free one-year subscription of one of the following magazines: Linux Magazine, Ubuntu User or Smart Developer
- you can win a bundle of all of the magazines above
- you can also win a single mag of your choice!
All prizes are also available as digital versions!
The smudge painting technique is generally an nice way to create very beautiful paintings based on real photographies. In this technique you’re mainly using the smudge tool of GIMP to manually smear/smudge parts of the photo to make it look painted (we’ve a useful tutorial on the site too!, see link below in the “rules”). The task of this contest is to create such a smudge painting on a photo of your choice! Any photo is possible, however, animals and people are always a very good way to start with ;) Also you can create 3 different paintings if you want and upload them all to our contest system, so you can try some things out.
Specific rules
- We’ve a good tutorial that shows a way to create smudge paintings → see here: Smudge painting in GIMP
- You can use any photo but please only use photos that you have an appropriate license for. For instance you can choose a CC license at in the extended search.
- You can upload up to 3 different smudge paintings to the “upload system”: you can also edit or delete all of them while the contest is running. You need to be a registered and logged in on to use our upload system!
- Please save your file as .xcfbz2 too and upload it. This is a compressed xcf-file format that is smaller in size.
- Any size of the final painting is possible.
- It’s always nice to show the original photo and the result image. But this is optional – it is not required to show the original one.
- After the contest has ended you’ll be able to vote on all submitted images if you like it or not.
- You also need to upload an .xcfbz2 file for every submission, so that other users canview the workspace file.
- After the contest a public voting will be initiated to determine the winners of the contest.
- Have fun ;)
- Here is a bigger view of the smudge painting above.
General rules
- All uploaded images are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.
- You need a free account to participate. You can use it to manage your submissions.
- All images have to be created with GIMP.
- Submissions are only accepted if uploaded using the Submissions page. Every image is required to be in JPEG or PNG format, and the GIMP workspace has to be uploaded, too.
- Please save and upload your GIMP workspace as .xcfbz2 file (instead of .xcf). The steps of the creation process should be as traceable as possible so that others can benefit.
- Make sure that all legal requirements are fulfilled, especially the copyright of used images. You can reference your sources in every submission's description.
- You can upload up to three submissions and modify/delete it until the end of the submission period.
- Submissions remain public when you should delete your account, but they won't be associated to an author anymore.
- Possible prizes are provided by the named sponsors. There is no legal claim to the prizes.
Post your own comments, questions or hints here. The author and other users will see your posting and can reply to it.
Of course, you can also ask in the chat.
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