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Aardal, Sognefjorden, Norway.

Credits go to these companies who have sponsored the prizes for this contest:

GIMP beginners contest: Simple photo touch up!
Aardal, Sognefjorden, Norway.
Aardal, Sognefjorden, Norway.
2 GIMPusers like this


Author: solensdatter2

Submitted at Wed, 21 May 2014 23:02:09 +0000, last edited almost 11 years ago

About this image

The photo was overexposed. Too may trees in front of Aardal took away the focus off the village at the inner Sognefjord,on the Westcoast of Norway.
1.Resized and cut the bottom. Made a new layer, slighly larger at the top.
Cut out the sky.
2. Made a new sky, blended and cloned the left mountain to the top.
3. Cut and moved the trees in the foreground and remirrored the village.
4. Changed the the colour levels
5. Altered the saturation green
6. Made a contrast mask.
7, Made channel masks for darks, light and midtones.
8. Painted some clouds (brush vegetation01, 80 % opacity) on a top layer.
Guess that was all - you are welcome to visit Norway anytime :)


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devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 10 years ago

the other contest has many submissions. so it seems t's not the season but the topic that wasn't the scope. It's weird because on our German site there were a lot of submissions for this "easier" topic too ;)

solensdatter2 member for over 12 years solensdatter2 15 comments
over 10 years ago

Thanks! I find Gimp a very useful tool to enhance photos. Surprised to see mine only :) Maybe people are too busy enjoying the season? :)

devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 10 years ago

Nice editing! It really looks more beautiful than before.

Sadly that this was the only submission to the contest - seems that the topic didn't hit's audience.