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Fruit Aplenty

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Create a still life painting in GIMP!
Fruit Aplenty
Fruit Aplenty
4 GIMPusers like this


Author: Katara43

Submitted at Sat, 24 Aug 2013 07:41:26 +0000, last edited over 11 years ago

About this image

A jar of some delicious looking fruit that could make your mouth water just by looking at them. Kitchen setting with a peaceful air about, delivering a message of a calm, domestic life.


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devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 11 years ago

I'm kinda sad that you got less votes than many other submissions, because I think that this is much more a real "Stillleben" compared to others ;) I hope you're not too disappointed!

I specially like the grapes and the pear in your painting ;)