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New experimental version: GIMP 2.9.6 has a lot of new cool stuff

By at 2017-08-29 15:20:32 UTC, last updated over 7 years ago. CC BY-NC License

"Pass through" group layer mode lets you control the projection on other layers (right part shows GIMP 2.9.6) "Pass through" group layer mode lets you control the projection on other layers (right part shows GIMP 2.9.6)

layer groups containing color tags layer groups containing color tags

The GIMP devs are working hard and now there is a new developing version which contains lots of new cool stuff!

GIMP 2.9.6 is an important new milestone leading to GIMP 2.10 – the current version shows what coming to the users and it can be tested by everyone already!

New in GIMP 2.9.6:

  • Performance: GIMP now tries to use as many cores as possible (it’s not really stable yet, but the devs want a lot of feedback to make it more stable). They want to have it in 2.10! If you experience to many errors you can always se the cores to 1 and everything is going smoother then.
  • Layer masks: you can now overtake the values from the last mask, which makes the wrok-flow faster if you deal with lots of masks and layers.
  • Groups: When using lots of layer groups you can now tag them by color to better manage everything which is really great! Besides that there is a new group layer mode called “Pass Through” which lets you control the projection on other layers. See images beside.
  • Better Hi-DPI support, especially for GIMPs icons
  • On canvas tools can now be re-used inside other filters which is exceptionally cool in regards of user interaction. Shown in a short video: the use of the measurement tool (normally measures the distance line between two points) on the “spiral” filter (which creates a spiral form on the screen) which is there used to control parameters (make the spiral thinner or bigger) just by making the measuring line longer or shorter.
  • new layer modes (incl a backend where it’s easy to create new modes). There is also better integration of the linear color mode.
  • CIE LCH and CIE LAB color spaces are now supported even more prominent
  • New tools: Handle Transform, Warp-Transform (works faster now!), Free Select now waiting for an ENTER/RETURN before selection is complete
  • Lots has been done on the painting side also. The canvas rotation works better now, painting with bitmap brushed is more performant, the Smudge tool now has a flow control (very nice for painting) and you can now paint on transparently on other layer modes than “Normal”.
  • RAW images can be opened now using different plugins and darktable is now supported as backend.
  • Better WebP- and PSD-Plugin support
  • New Metadata viewer and editor Exiv2 (for Exif, XMP, IPTC, and DICOM)
  • GIMP now has 9 new GEGL based filters (wavelet decompose! and more)

More information and more images on everything mentioned above can be found on the GIMP website:

GIMP 2.9.6 Preview on


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Lyle member for almost 13 years Lyle 91 comments rated this topic with 4/5
over 7 years ago

When is GIMP 3.0x going to be released? This beta's been going on for way too long now. :)

dijenga member for about 16 years dijenga 1 comment rated this topic with 2/5
over 7 years ago

Misspellings, etc. in product descriptions / advertisements are a big turn off to me.

If the effort to produce information is that sloppy, I fear the product will likewise be riddled with problems.

over 7 years ago

I have problem : gimp ask me alway to install a hard disk.
I had same problem with Rawtherape and it was found that is GTK 3 that make the problem...
A library wasn't up to date because at the start, I have a message