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The GIMP Magazine #7 released with awesome paintings

By at 2014-12-20 12:28:43 UTC, last updated over 10 years ago. CC BY-NC License

The GIMP Magazine #7 The GIMP Magazine #7 cover image was painted by Evelyne Schultz based on a pencil drawing

Evelyne Schultz was interviewed by the GIMP Magazine and shows a fantastic way of colorizing a pencil painting in the cover article. There could have been a little more illustrations/steps for my personal taste but it’s nevertheless an excellent article. Lots of information is inside the interesting text. Be sure to read it. It’s definately one of the magazines best cover stories. Don’t miss her other paintings at the end of the mag. They’re very cool, too!

Issue 7 has a nice gallery of user submissions as well.

The latest issue is available as PDF file (60 MB) as well for online viewing via Issuu. The GIMP Magazine is free and needs your support! Please donate to it via PayPal or send them your submissions

Download The GIMP Magazine # 7


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