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News from the GIMP 2.8 development!

By at 2010-10-31 23:38:26 UTC, last updated over 14 years ago. CC BY-NC License

First off, no, there is no news on a release date of GIMP 2.8. It is still unclear when GIMP 2.8 will be released, maybe it is somewhen in Q1 2011, but it could be later also, we don’t think it gets out in 2010 anymore though.

While waiting we took a new look at the development which brings cool new functions into GIMP! We also updated our big Feature-Preview of GIMP 2.8 with new pictures (especially look at steps 4,10,11,12 and 24)

A short preview:

  • The text tool is capable of coloring single words and characters inside a text now! Wow, I’ve been waiting for this long time and that alone would have been worth a news ;)
  • Look&Feel: Many tools, especially Path and Selection tools now get a nice and very smooth (verctorized?) preview of the selection which is used together with the “running ants” selection.
  • Brush outlines: It is now possible to see an outlined brush while painting that indicates how big a brush is and what area will be affected when using the brush.
  • New zoom hotkeys.

A little bit off topic: but last night we crossed the line of 5000 registered users! Welcome 4ever who is our 5000th user and comes from Austria (Europe) ;)


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n-pigeon member for over 14 years n-pigeon 1 comment
over 14 years ago


not only he but all devs :D especially for this awesome new brush engine!

over 14 years ago

The new smoothed display of the selection tool is indeed brillant, the developper of this feature deserves a hug !

over 14 years ago

Coooool! THX for article, I can't wait next update :D I read some in Git log that they are playing with tool setting dialog I'm curious what they cooking for us :)

I love new brush and selection visualization :D

devvv member for over 18 years devvv 1475 comments
over 14 years ago

The green coordinates are not in the master trunk but in a seperate trunk. The new cage based transform tool is working but I think there needs to be further adjustements so that it can be moved into the master branch. I'll write a news when the tool is working inside the master.

Peter S:
over 14 years ago

#24 -- "Now you can also use the keys 2,3,4 and 5 to get an instant zoom of the image to 200/400/800 and 1600%."

This is something to be excited about? Seriously?

Any word on whether Michael Muré's green coordinates transform tool will make it into trunk? That looks like something that would actually add useful functionality.