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Gimp w32 unstable releases (2.7) > (was:Logo scripts crash gimp 2.7)

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Gimp w32 unstable releases (2.7) Jernej Simon?i? 24 Feb 10:21
728247381.20090223141312@en... 07 Oct 20:19
  Gimp w32 unstable releases (2.7) (was: Logo scripts crash gimp 2.7) Alec Burgess 24 Feb 05:18 07 Oct 20:19
20090222065633.03A1D19D407D... 07 Oct 20:19 07 Oct 20:19 07 Oct 20:19
733f2c730902220235o1072edca... 07 Oct 20:19 07 Oct 20:19
mailman.239347.1235467191.1... 07 Oct 20:19
  Gimp w32 unstable releases (2.7) > (was:Logo scripts crash gimp 2.7) Alchemie foto\\grafiche 24 Feb 19:28
Alec Burgess
2009-02-24 05:18:36 UTC (about 16 years ago)

Gimp w32 unstable releases (2.7) (was: Logo scripts crash gimp 2.7)

Jernej Simon i ( wrote (in part) (on 2009-02-23 at 08:13):

On 23. februar 2009, 3:08:08, Alec Burgess wrote:

> > Is there any way that Jernej could provide a debug-enabled exe for GIMP
> > 2.7 win32 or do attempts to report bugs just get in the way of the
> > "real" work being done by those competent to deal with them?

All unstable releases of GIMP (those, that have "I won't bug developers" checkbox) are unstripped, and should contain debugging symbols (though I think I forgot to remove -O2 from CFLAGS for the current 2.7.0 build - I'll provide another build soon).

The release I got was: gimp-2.7.0-r28042-i686-setup.exe from (I think):

That file now longer is available there - it still shows up in the Google cache:

The current version of that page now shows: GIMP 2.7.0 (SVN rev.28070) + GTK+ 2.14.7
no setup.exe files, just three babl, gegl and gimp tar.lzma files which I assume (?) are source files.

Am I looking in the correct place but just jumping the gun because you haven't yet created the expected setup.exe file? Is an RSS-feed watch on that page the correct way to find out when you have created a new win32 build?

Jernej Simon?i?
2009-02-24 10:21:23 UTC (about 16 years ago)

Gimp w32 unstable releases (2.7)

On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 23:18:36 -0500, Alec Burgess wrote:

The release I got was: gimp-2.7.0-r28042-i686-setup.exe from (I think):

That file now longer is available there - it still shows up in the Google cache:

The file is still available - just look a bit closer.

The current version of that page now shows: GIMP 2.7.0 (SVN rev.28070) + GTK+ 2.14.7
no setup.exe files, just three babl, gegl and gimp tar.lzma files which I assume (?) are source files.

I had some problems with running GIMP (had to recompile), so I only uploaded it this morning.

Am I looking in the correct place but just jumping the gun because you haven't yet created the expected setup.exe file? Is an RSS-feed watch on that page the correct way to find out when you have created a new win32 build?

SourceForge has an option to send an e-mail notification (which is triggered by me), that's probably the best option.

Alchemie foto\\grafiche
2009-02-24 19:28:07 UTC (about 16 years ago)

Gimp w32 unstable releases (2.7) > (was:Logo scripts crash gimp 2.7)

Mon, 23 Feb 2009 23:18:36 -0500 Alec Burgess wrote

The release I got was: gimp-2.7.0-r28042-i686-setup.exe from (I think):

That file now longer is available there - it still shows up in the
Google cache:

The current version of that page now shows: GIMP 2.7.0 (SVN rev.28070)
+ GTK+ 2.14.7
no setup.exe files, just three babl, gegl and gimp tar.lzma files which
I assume (?) are source files.

Am I looking in the correct place but just jumping the gun because you
haven't yet created the expected setup.exe file? Is an RSS-feed watch on that page the correct way to find out when you
have created a new win32 build?