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GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?

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GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx? Nicolas Robidoux 19 Nov 19:22
  GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx? Alexandre Prokoudine 19 Nov 19:38
   GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx? Thorsten Wilms 19 Nov 19:45
    GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx? Alexandre Prokoudine 19 Nov 19:48
     GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx? Joao S. O. Bueno 20 Nov 02:41
      GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx? Olivier 20 Nov 06:55
      GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx? peter sikking 20 Nov 20:44
      GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx? Alexandre Prokoudine 20 Nov 23:06
  GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx? Sven Neumann 20 Nov 20:48
Nicolas Robidoux
2009-11-19 19:22:53 UTC (over 15 years ago)

GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?

Alexandre Prokoudine
2009-11-19 19:38:21 UTC (over 15 years ago)

GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:22 PM, Nicolas Robidoux wrote:

Did you see any links that prove this? Well, I didn't :) Neither most relevant ubuntu mailing lists provide any background.

The idea has been floating around for a while, mind you.


Thorsten Wilms
2009-11-19 19:45:23 UTC (over 15 years ago)

GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?

On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 21:38 +0300, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:

Did you see any links that prove this? Well, I didn't :) Neither most relevant ubuntu mailing lists provide any background.

I have been in that session and can confirm it.

Alexandre Prokoudine
2009-11-19 19:48:59 UTC (over 15 years ago)

GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Thorsten Wilms wrote:

I have been in that session and can confirm it.

OK, but what session? At UDS?


Joao S. O. Bueno
2009-11-20 02:41:44 UTC (over 15 years ago)

GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Thorsten Wilms  wrote:

I have been in that session and can confirm it.

OK, but what session? At UDS?

Yes, friend of mine was tehre, confirmed it too. (btw, it evenshowed up in slashdot).

IMHO, stupidiest decision ever - they _want_ their users to be dumb and continue that way. As for me, up to today I used to recomend ubuntu to people I presented Free Software. (despite some ongoing really great flaws, like translating the name of special user folders such as Desktop and Documents). Now, with the promise of a GIMPless Ubuntu, I will burn some other distro for people to taste Linux and Free Software.


2009-11-20 06:55:03 UTC (over 15 years ago)

GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 2:41 AM, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 4:48 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Thorsten Wilms wrote:

I have been in that session and can confirm it.

OK, but what session? At UDS?

Yes, friend of mine was tehre, confirmed it too. (btw, it evenshowed up in slashdot).

IMHO, stupidiest decision ever - they _want_ their users to be dumb and continue that way. As for me, up to today I used to recomend ubuntu to people I presented Free Software. (despite some ongoing really great flaws, like translating the name of special user folders such as Desktop and Documents). Now, with the promise of a GIMPless Ubuntu, I will burn some other distro for people to taste Linux and Free Software.

Give a try to Debian, the netinst version You need a decent Internet connection, but the available room on a CD is no longer a problem, and GIMP is present, of course. After all, Ubuntu is based on Debian, why not stick to the original, rather than to deviant copy?

peter sikking
2009-11-20 20:44:05 UTC (over 15 years ago)

GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?

Joao wrote:

Yes, friend of mine was tehre, confirmed it too. (btw, it evenshowed up in slashdot).

IMHO, stupidiest decision ever - they _want_ their users to be dumb and continue that way.

well guys, GIMP has the vision to be a high-end/expert application, so we should not be amazed that a general OS distribution drops us off the finite-space disk.

I see it as ubuntu giving us the respect we deserve.


founder + principal interaction architect man + machine interface works : on interaction architecture

Sven Neumann
2009-11-20 20:48:22 UTC (over 15 years ago)

GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?

On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 13:22 -0500, Nicolas Robidoux wrote:

That is pretty much in-line with our product vision. GIMP is a high-end application for professionals. It is not the tool that you would advise every user to use for their casual photo editing. And as far as I understand this, it's not that GIMP would not be available for Ubuntu users. It's simply not installed by default.


Alexandre Prokoudine
2009-11-20 23:06:34 UTC (over 15 years ago)

GIMP to be removed from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx?

On 11/20/09, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:

IMHO, stupidiest decision ever - they _want_ their users to be dumb and continue that way. As for me, up to today I used to recomend ubuntu to people I presented Free Software. (despite some ongoing really great flaws, like translating the name of special user folders such as Desktop and Documents). Now, with the promise of a GIMPless Ubuntu, I will burn some other distro for people to taste Linux and Free Software.


Canonical also never shipped Ubuntu with Ardour or Cinelerra or Blender -- all apps aimed at professionals. People who need serious software for media production have choice, be it 64studio or Ubuntu Studio or half a dozen of other distributions.

What most Linux users really need is something like Picasa or iPhoto -- to easily import a bunch of pics, color-correct them and publish online. Using GIMP for fixing red-eyes or straightening horizon is an overkill. So if this choice will motivate someone to improve F-Spot, Solang, Shotwell or IntiPinku, who is to lose? :)
